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Alle Healthcare & Life Science 2

Die Teams im Gründerstipendium

Gründerstipendium Alumnis

Unsere Startups im STARTPLATZ Köln


The goal of Curassist is the digitalization of nursing care. With the online platform and the integrated care management software, Curassist is counteracting the ever-increasing shortage of nursing staff.


Raus aus dem Brutkasten - einige unserer ehemaligen Startups


Taramax is the competence portal for holistic medicine, where clinical pictures are explained briefly and understandably and patients are connected with the right therapists.


Startups im STARTPLATZ Ökosystem 2


The goal of Curassist is the digitalization of nursing care. With the online platform and the integrated care management software, Curassist is counteracting the ever-increasing shortage of nursing staff.


Taramax is the competence portal for holistic medicine, where clinical pictures are explained briefly and understandably and patients are connected with the right therapists.

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