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Unsere aktuellen STARTPLATZ Accelerator Teams

Batch #26


Our startup, LarsLabs, has developed a blockchain-based solution called Tokiphy. With this application, digital tokens can be validated for authenticity and ownership without the use of a Wallet. It's faster and safer than most solutions out there--all while being 100% decentralized. Tokiphy is like an Apple Wallet without a smartphone for blockchain applications.


Die Teams im Gründerstipendium

Gründerstipendium Alumnis

Raus aus dem Brutkasten - einige unserer ehemaligen Startups


TechMass enables production managers to monitor and improve efficiency, increase productivity and reduce costs.


Startups im STARTPLATZ Ökosystem 3

SevenShift GmbH

SevenShift is a boutique & security consulting firm that helps customers test, design and implement cyber security, particularly in the IoT, Web and mobile sectors.


Our startup, LarsLabs, has developed a blockchain-based solution called Tokiphy. With this application, digital tokens can be validated for authenticity and ownership without the use of a Wallet. It's faster and safer than most solutions out there--all while being 100% decentralized. Tokiphy is like an Apple Wallet without a smartphone for blockchain applications.


TechMass enables production managers to monitor and improve efficiency, increase productivity and reduce costs.

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