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Alle Healthcare & Life Science 3

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Gründungsstipendium Alumnis

Startups im STARTPLATZ Ökosystem 3


At ELDERTECH, we build the first truly holistic assistance platform for caring relatives and professional carers by integrating Smart Care aids, Smart Home devices, care services and an age-appropriate video communication.

Hublo GmbH

Hublo is revolutionising human resources management in the healthcare sector. The solution was developed for an optimal management of your replacement staff network, and a more precise activity steering as a internal Springer pool: with our app, you quickly assign services to the appropriate employees!

adiutaByte GmbH

adiutaByte is solving highly complex optimization challenges in fleet and personnel planning, with unique algorithms and artificial intelligence, to reduce CO2 emissions and provide better services for citizens.

Sankt Augustin & Munich
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