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Alle Fintech 1

Unsere aktuellen STARTPLATZ Accelerator Teams

Batch #26


Frienton is an all-in-one digital finance platform (SaaS) to help entrepreneurs and early stage companies to have 24/7 control on their finances and reduce time and money spent on tedious tasks such as bookkeeping, accounting, controlling, and taxation by integrating data from all financial matters with ML-based automation, intelligence, and analytics.

Munich, Cologne

Die Teams im Gründungsstipendium

Gründungsstipendium Alumnis

Startups im STARTPLATZ Ökosystem 1


Frienton is an all-in-one digital finance platform (SaaS) to help entrepreneurs and early stage companies to have 24/7 control on their finances and reduce time and money spent on tedious tasks such as bookkeeping, accounting, controlling, and taxation by integrating data from all financial matters with ML-based automation, intelligence, and analytics.

Munich, Cologne
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