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Alle Logistics 23

Die Teams im Gründungsstipendium

Gründungsstipendium Alumnis

HydroPlants GmbH

Entwicklung & Vertrieb von autonomen hydroponischen Systemen, die ab der ersten Pflanze Geld sparen, die Umwelt schützen und alle Arbeit übernehmen.


EaVy Systems

The market for charging infrastructure is projected to grow at 17,5% CAGR between 2020 and 2030, to match electrical vehicles sales increase. Charging infrastructure in cities needs to incorporate a significant share of fast charging to be capable of serving demand, without having an exponential increase on the number of chargers (most chargers currently installed in cities are slow or semi-fast chargers, taking between 4 to 12 hours to charge a car, while fast chargers can do it in less than 1 hour; slow chargers have lower investment cost). 

EaVy Systems develops control solutions to optimize sharing of Fast Chargers, maximizing the number of electrical vehicles that can be charged per charger, while offering high usage flexibility to both users and chargers’ owners. Our solution connects to any fast charger available in the market, sequentially and automatically charging up to 10 electrical vehicles using only one fast charger. 

It offers both charging speed and flexibility, providing an attractive solution for Public Parking, Companies, and multi-family Houses. Drivers can pre-book a charging slot, use priority codes and, to plug their cars to the charging system, do not need to wait for the car already connected to the charger to leave. 

Chargers’ owners like Stadtwerke, Charge Point Operators (install, operate and maintain charging infrastructure) and EMobility Service Providers (offer charging services) will attain higher utilization rates, fostering their return on investment.

The business model is B2B, with 2 revenue stream components: one-time revenues from hardware system and software setup, and recurrent revenues from monthly software license and charging session fees.

EaVy Systems will play an important role in fast charging in cities, since it adds most needed features for users and owners and minimizes the impact of electrical mobility in the electrical grid.



Raus aus dem Brutkasten - einige unserer ehemaligen Startups


evopark makes parking easy and convenient: the app shows free parking spaces, the parking card opens the barriers automatically, cashless payment is made once a month.


Startups im STARTPLATZ Ökosystem 23

AckerCompany GmbH

The AckerPause enables unique experiences related to food in the world of work. For more health, team spirit and appreciation for nature and food. A Germany-wide network of horticultural experts and a digital service app enable a unique and very scalable offer. With over 700 participating employees, the Proof of Market was provided in 2019.

wirbauen.digital GmbH

Wirbauen.digital ist eine Plattformlösung für die Baubranche, welche auf Basis von GAEB-Dateien (5-D BIM Ready) den Baufortschritt digital erfasst und in Kombination mit rechtssicherer Zeit- und Fotoerfassung eine transparente Dokumentation für Bauprojekte bietet. Die Informationen können mit anderen Stakeholdern (Bauherren und Architekten aber auch z.B. Banken) des Projekts für eine effizientere Koordination geteilt werden und ermöglichen ein Monitoring in Echtzeit der Baustelle.


We make software, that enables companies to build up business models in order to participate in the Circular Economy.

With circuly companies can rent out their products instead of selling them. Over this prolonged life cycle we collect data from IoT, repairs and refurbishments that serves for making informed decisions on product design for recycling and product quality.


Our digital twin sensor technology helps to steer the megatrend of urbanization in a sustainable way by reducing emissions and increasing the quality of life in cities.


gapcharge develops and produces wireless charging systems for logistics and light-electric-vehicles. This technology makes energy transfer at high efficiency over the air possible. It is very comfy to handle. gapcharge offers these systems at lower prices than competitors due to modular design and clever positioning mechanism. While charging gapcharge transfers data between vehicle and charging station. We use this data to offer smart services like battery maintenance software, that helps you avoiding battery failure. And we can analyze the utilization rate, so maybe your logistics can be operated with less vehicles. gapcharge makes your logistics green and cheaper.

Trailer Dynamics

TrailerDynamics has invented a disruptive, economically advantageous concept for the hybridization of long-haul-trucks in order to be in compliance with future CO2 emission EU-regulations.

TrailerDynamics offers a comprehensive concept for long-haul-trucks by establishing an electric-drive-train in the trailer. We developed a Trailer with an electric-drive-train that replace one of the trailer's conventional axles with an electric-axle. In combination with the diesel-tractor, the entire tractor-trailer-system is converted into an electric-plug-in hybrid. Together with adaptive-aerodynamics and the intelligent-control-strategy, significant CO2 emission reductions of 40% are possible.

Droppery B.V.

The dropshipping SaaS solution specialised in finding and connecting the right customers for suppliers and brands.


MOQO is the cloud-based platform that empowers everyone to offer shared mobility services with outstanding quality and exceptional scalability.

Trunksta GmbH

Trunksta ist die Mitnahmegelegenheit für Pakete und Waren aller Art. Über unsere Plattform finden Fahrer und Sender zusammen und können schnell und einfach Pakete mitnehmen bzw. versenden.


betterECO is a profit oriented B2B service company that strategically sources organic agricultural raw materials globally, to meet quality demands from organizations across all sectors, in particular the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.


Stickoxide & Feinstaub: Besonders in Innenstädten werden die Grenzwerte zum Teil massiv überschritten. Fahrverbote und Feinstaubplaketten sind die Folge… Es geht aber viel einfacher: WENIGER AUTOS! Werde Fluxer, reduziere die CO₂-Emissionen und leiste Deinen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz.

AES Technik

AES develops a small, fully automated plant for waste processing. Retirement homes, hospitals and other customers with a continouus waste stream of more than 100 kg / day can profit with this technology. A retirement home can save up to 24.000 € a year, processing the diaper, canteen and plastic waste in their own cellar. The AES plant will save the customer money in three branches: waste disposal, elecricity and heating costs. 


We want to radically simplify the way people in Germany order their drinks.


Wir digitalisieren die Lagerlogistik und bieten unseren Kunden einen exzellenten Logistik Service. Mit Hilfe moderner Prozesse ist das Monitoren und Managen der Logistik einfach, digital und automatisiert.


Mit einer einfachen, webbasierten Software stellen wir Geschäftskunden die Möglichkeit zur Verfügung, individualisierte Postkarten in Einzelauflage oder große Postkartenmailings zu Vertriebs- und Marketingzwecken zu verschicken.

HydroPlants GmbH

Entwicklung & Vertrieb von autonomen hydroponischen Systemen, die ab der ersten Pflanze Geld sparen, die Umwelt schützen und alle Arbeit übernehmen.


EaVy Systems

The market for charging infrastructure is projected to grow at 17,5% CAGR between 2020 and 2030, to match electrical vehicles sales increase. Charging infrastructure in cities needs to incorporate a significant share of fast charging to be capable of serving demand, without having an exponential increase on the number of chargers (most chargers currently installed in cities are slow or semi-fast chargers, taking between 4 to 12 hours to charge a car, while fast chargers can do it in less than 1 hour; slow chargers have lower investment cost). 

EaVy Systems develops control solutions to optimize sharing of Fast Chargers, maximizing the number of electrical vehicles that can be charged per charger, while offering high usage flexibility to both users and chargers’ owners. Our solution connects to any fast charger available in the market, sequentially and automatically charging up to 10 electrical vehicles using only one fast charger. 

It offers both charging speed and flexibility, providing an attractive solution for Public Parking, Companies, and multi-family Houses. Drivers can pre-book a charging slot, use priority codes and, to plug their cars to the charging system, do not need to wait for the car already connected to the charger to leave. 

Chargers’ owners like Stadtwerke, Charge Point Operators (install, operate and maintain charging infrastructure) and EMobility Service Providers (offer charging services) will attain higher utilization rates, fostering their return on investment.

The business model is B2B, with 2 revenue stream components: one-time revenues from hardware system and software setup, and recurrent revenues from monthly software license and charging session fees.

EaVy Systems will play an important role in fast charging in cities, since it adds most needed features for users and owners and minimizes the impact of electrical mobility in the electrical grid.



Chakratec has developed a kinetic energy storage technology that enables more than 200,000 high-power charge and discharge cycles without degradation over the full system lifetime of 20 years.


Entwicklung und Produktion von berührungsempfindliche Zugregistrierungsmatte für Backgammon Turniere. Berührungsempfindliche Spielzugregistrierungsmatte „BEZMA“ umfasst eine spezielle Vorrichtung für Registrierung von Spielzügen, Zeit-, Doppler- und Würfelnparametern, Speicherung des gespielten Matches in elektronischer Form und Übertragung von alle benannten Spielparametern auf dem großen Bildschirm oder via Internet. Die Spielzugregistrierungsmatte „BEZMA“ ist sehr leicht, gut transportabel und kann für beliebige Größe von verschiedenen üblichen Spielbrettern angepasst werden.


evopark makes parking easy and convenient: the app shows free parking spaces, the parking card opens the barriers automatically, cashless payment is made once a month.


SLOC offers a proven overall solution for the optimization of logistical processes in waste management.

The fill level is detected by a sensor (https://www.sloc.one/en/produkt/sloc-waste-bin/)  and transmitted to the waste collection software (https://www.sloc.one/en/produkt/sloc-waste-collection/), which transparently displays information about all containers and calculates an optimal tour for emptying. An app guides the driver along the optimal route.

The advantages of SLOC:

# all container sizes (from 40 to 7,500 litres)

# quick & easy to install

# (mass) configuration over the air

Colonia Technologies GmbH

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