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At Mooncamp, our vision is to build an all-in-one New Work Operating System to develop healthy, happy, and high-performing company cultures by providing a growing collection of tools, like OKRs, Check-ins and much more yet to come.


Raus aus dem Brutkasten - einige unserer ehemaligen Startups


At Mooncamp, our vision is to build an all-in-one New Work Operating System to develop healthy, happy, and high-performing company cultures by providing a growing collection of tools, like OKRs, Check-ins and much more yet to come.


Startups im STARTPLATZ Ökosystem 1


At Mooncamp, our vision is to build an all-in-one New Work Operating System to develop healthy, happy, and high-performing company cultures by providing a growing collection of tools, like OKRs, Check-ins and much more yet to come.

Hier sind unsere Startups aufgelistet.
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