„Handling emotions, that’s the most difficult thing“ – Interview with Andrea Massenz, CEO of TechMass

29. September 2020, 08:50 :: Community | Erfolgsgeschichten | Success Story

The tale of Andrea Massenz and his company TechMass is a textbook success story. The IoT Startup, which offers a data driven application to optimize the manufacturing process, was founded not too long ago in 2017. It’s cloud based MES (Manufacturing Execution System) drew a lot of attention in the industry 4.0 sector right from the start. From there on, TechMass grew exponentially and recently joined the italian giant TeamSystem on an undisclosed number. We met with CEO Andrea Massenz and talked about his ongoing exit and the future of TechMass, his time at STARTPLATZ and the best advice for young entrepreneurs.

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Why you should use the best of both worlds when introducing digital business – Ambidexterity as a management concept for the digital age

16. September 2020, 14:49 :: Allgemein

Do you know Steve Sasson? He is recognized as the inventor of the first digital camera. In 1974, as a young engineer, he built this device for his employer Eastman Kodak, which turned the photographic industry upside down as a groundbreaking technological change. But Kodak swept this innovation under the carpet. Certainly one of the most fatal mistakes of recent business history. Kodak had to file for insolvency in 2012. The Kodak Moment became the epitome of failure for successful companies that miss out on disruptive trends. But why do these companies fail at the end of the day? After all, they supposedly have everything they need for ongoing success: financial strength, loyal customers, brand strength and intelligent minds like Steve Sasson.


Feedback zu deiner Startup Idee – Wie gut ist meine Geschäftsidee?

15. September 2020, 19:09 :: Community

Der Wunsch nach Innovation und Veränderung kann durch eine weltweite Pandemie nicht gestoppt werden. Gründerinnen und Gründer in Deutschland arbeiten weiter an Startups und finden gerade in dieser besonderen Situation neue Lösungsansätze zu bestehenden Problemen. Doch ein Aspekt hat sich verändert: Der Austausch unter Gründern und das damit verbundene Feedback fällt weg! Das öffentliche Leben steht still und der zwischenmenschliche Austausch ebenso. Während Geschäftsmeetings und Hochschulvorlesungen im digitalen Raum nahezu 1:1 übertragen werden können, sind zufällige Begegnungen und Austausch am Kaffeeautomaten nur schwer möglich. Gibt es Formate, die junge Geschäftsideen dennoch voranbringen? Feedback zu deiner Startup Idee soll den konstruktiven Austausch unter Gründern fördern!

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#STARTUPNATION TO MITTELSTAND starts additional Batch for manufacturing challenges

11. September 2020, 12:32 :: Corporate Services | News

On June 30th, a subgroup of the second #STARTUPNATION TO MITTELSTAND batch has been formed with a strong focus on operational challenges within manufacturing companies. Together with our Partners the Israel Economic and Trade Mission in Berlin, the German-Israeli Chamber of Commerce, Startup Nation Central and Founders Foundation initiated five specific webinars in which we brought German manufacturers and Israeli industry 4.0 startups together in order to identify potential collaborations in the field of predictive maintenance and artificial intelligence.

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